About ESA: a Sector Group of Cefic
Based in Brussels (Belgium), ESA is a Sector Group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), which represents large, medium and small chemical companies across Europe.
Within Cefic, ESA is part of the Industry Sector Euro Chlor/Halogens, which supports a safe, sustainable and successful industry for Europe. A unique cluster of well-defined and studied inorganic basic chemicals, they are used downstream by business-to-business (B2B) customers as an essential building block for the manufacture of a multitude of products that we rely on every day.
Across Europe, millions of jobs are dependent on the availability of competitively priced supplies. Besides, they are also vital for the development of the innovative materials we will need in the future.
As shown in the diagram below, the EuroChlor/Halogens industry sector represents, within Cefic, five sector groups (including ESA itself):